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New Vetacademy CPD/CE provider: Euthabag

New Vetacademy CPD/CE provider: Euthabag

  • September 02, 2021

Introducing our newest CPD/CE provider on Vetacademy, Euthabag.

Did you know?
Euthanasia is one of the most common source of complaints that
veterinary colleges receive. The use of plastic bags for disposal of deceased pets is one of the issues raised surrounding euthanasia.

Before Euthabag, there were no functional alternatives to plastic bags.

Pet owners care about how their pet’s body will be handled after they pass.

Veterinarians now have a professional and practical solution for the transportation, cremation and burial of deceased pets that is, most importantly, respectful for the animal and their caregiver.

Practical Classes in Small Animal Euthanasia, by the creator of EUTHABAG, Dr. Celine Leheurteux, DVM

Course includes 6.5 hours of RACE approved CE consisting of to-the-point presentations that share contemporary advice for your practice.

Modules included:

1. Enhancing the Euthanasia Experience: Tips to Make it Easier for All
2. Euthanasia in Times of Crisis
3. Facing Compassion Fatigue Head On
4. Handling Euthanasia as a New Grad
5. Pre-Euthanasia Sedation Winning Protocols
6. Simple Oral and Injectable Pre-Euthanasia Sedation Protocols for Calm and Reactive Animals
7. Tips: 10 Dos and Don'ts of Euthanasia


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